Raoul Servais. Panoramic - gesigneerd

Raoul Servais. Panoramic - gesigneerd door Servais; Rudy Pinceel (co-auteur) en met opdracht door Stijn Coninx - Diverse auteurs o.a. Silke Rochtus; Fra&nçois Schuiten; Philippe Moins; Rudy Pinceel

Borgerhoff & Lamberigts 2018 - NL / FR / EN

This publication provides a fascinating picture of the versatile work of the internationally renowned artist Raoul Servais. With full biography and filmography, an interview with the artist, a contribution by François Schuiten about Raoul Servais / Taxandria, a portrait of a painter-filmmaker by Phillipe Moins and Rudy Pinceel about his documentary SERVAIS.

Hardcover met banner - 29,5 x 23 - 192 p.

ISBN 9789089318381 

Staat: als nieuw - gesigneerd

Ref. W1256

40,00 €